4 steps to establish a Fusion Journaling habit without……….

………. sacrificing Netflix, G&T’s, sleep, larping, lazing around, extreme duck herding, or any hobby you may have. I outline a huge amount of info around journaling in my new book Cosmical – check it.

Ready to begin?

If you are new to journaling or want to make the most out of your writing check out Cosmical and the collection

Step 1: Discover Your Journal Motivation — Why though?

💜 Take 10 minutes to reflect and write down why you want to write.
Is it to journal about your day, express your emotions, plan effectively, solve problems, set daily intentions, or release a flood of ideas? Check out my blog on the health benefits of handwriting – it blew my mind; The health consequences of neglecting to handwrite

All my journals now have a section for this purpose

💜Find that one area of life that you want to fuse journaling into

Step 2: Identify and allocate Your Optimal Journal Writing Time — when will you get your script on?

💜 Assess your daily routine and pinpoint when you are most likely to engage in writing, morning, noon, eve, or throughout the day.
💜 Consider incorporating it into an existing activity. E.G. instead of watching Netflix for 2 hours, reduce it to 1.5 hrs and spend the remaining 30 minutes writing. (In fact, it is very common for me to write as I watch a program, as my brain unwinds the thoughts come flooding)
💜 You can even carry a notebook with you throughout the day and jot down your thoughts whenever they arise.

Step 3: Choose the Right Journaling Medium (hint: it is a physical journal and I have a few (24) for you to choose from 😉 )

💜 Obtain a journal or notebook that makes you rhapsodic at the mere thought of writing in it.
💜 Get a great pen – Check out some in my supplies
💜 If digital writing makes you giddy, open a Google Doc or any preferred digital platform.

Step 4: Take Action — Journal and Do it, do it, do it

💜 Each day, commit to making writing a non-negotiable activity.
💜 Don’t worry about the quality of your writing; improvement comes with practice and consistency.

At the end of the day, if you desire to write, grow as an individual, and capture your ideas, follow these steps:

💜 Find you’re why
💜 Pick a time to write
💜 Pick a book and get comfortable

Remember, the choice to write is an opportunity for personal growth, idea preservation, and self-expression.

Embrace it!

I yack on about the importance of handwriting, #journaling, and creating #efficient systems for life and work with my Fusion Journaling framework.

I offer 1:1 Sessions and Create bespoke journals, notebooks, and workbooks for individuals, coaches, retreats, and businesses promoting learning and development — if you’re interested then drop me a DM via your preferred platform — you can find me by searching @purplereset

I have a selection of 24 journals and notebooks available on Amazon.

Ready to begin?

Sign up for Purple Musings & find your new journal