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Cosmical Journaling Guide has launched

You will learn about the effects of handwriting on the brain, practical advice, have over 400 prompts at your fingertips, and a journaling framework to custom build your journaling ritual making it a natural part of your life. You will also find a few templates for inspiration to get you started.

So, let’s take a look at what Cosmical has become.

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Many of my journals do not contain prompts. I did this on purpose – I do not like to dictate what questions are going to be useful for you.

Who the devil am I to tell YOU what questions to ask about YOUR life, I am not that person. I treat you like the adult that you are.

This may be the reason why a prompted journal hasn’t worked for you in the past. That said the blank page scaries exist for many……so what did I do?

I built Cosmical – the idea behind this book was to solve this very problem.

The concept I visioned was the following:

👉 You buy a Purple Reset journal
👉 You buy Cosmical to support your use of the journal


👉 You have a journal of your own
👉 You buy Cosmical to support your use of the journal

Neat right.

It started life as a book predominantly full of prompts and the framework that I adopted.

As I started working on it I added some background info such as the benefits, issues, or myths people may have and some tips on building journaling into your everyday life.

I started down a rabbit hole of studies about the effects of handwriting on memory, learning, creativity, and physical health. I became obsessed and wanted to add more to it – so add I did.

The thing is, journaling is a powerful tool and I wanted it to live up to the name of this book – Cosmical; “Significantly large in size, amount, value or degree”, enter a section on the links between RAS (Reticular Activating System), Law of Attraction and journaling.

Cosmical has become a guide to include benefits for the BODY & MIND alongside the prompts for areas of life which include:

💜 Setting up a daily routine
💜 Health & Wellness
💜 Develop a vision for your life
💜 Gratitude
💜 Building resilience
💜 Clear Mind
💜 Mindfulness
💜 Gaining clarity around life
💜 For focus
💜 Gain Insight
💜 Spirituality
💜 To assess your limiting beliefs
💜 Minimalism practice
💜 Professional development
💜 Changing Career
💜 Freelance business or side project
💜 Business Success
💜 Change of direction in your business
💜 Reflecting on business
💜 For finances
💜 Fun journal questions

I very much hope that this book arms you with the knowledge and resources to add some journaling to your life. Don’t forget to check out the bookshelf and sign up for Purple Musings for inside info

Early reviews:

Don’t forget I let my subscribers to my newsletter know all the inside gos first so if you’re interested in some of that you can sign up here: Purple Musings