My (potentially batshit crazy) vision for Purple Reset Notebooks & Journals

I have published my own notebook – it is available on Amazon:

Indulge me, if you will, in sharing with my mad as a hatter dreams for the humble but mighty notebook.

What’s that – you’re in – let’s get started.

Open your mind and transport yourself to the future…….

It is the perfect morning, you are plodding barefoot through your beautiful home (for me this is a cabin-like home on a lake – NOT in the UK!), coffee in hand (or a Huang Da Cha tea, if that’s your bag) heading to your notebook shelf (yep this is my fantasy so you have a customed hand carved shelf, with integral lighting – indulge me).

You gaze up at your current set of purple notebooks, 15 delectable shades of purple, each one carries its own name and on each of the first pages there is a dedicated message from the maker. You know exactly what is contained in each.

But what does your heart desire?

What do you desire at that moment?

  • Do you fancy doodling? Lizzy has the space
  • Are you in a dreaming mood? Essence is great for this
  • Are you brimming with ideas?
  • Are you desperate to be productive? Check out Ephemeris, Gradatim, or Oodles
  • Do you need to brainstorm your next batch of content? Lightening has your back
  • Do you have a plotline that you simply have to get out of your head and on paper? Mythos, Lore, Opus and Essence are excellent choices

Whatever your pleasure, desire or need, there is a Purple Reset notebook waiting for you. To hold your secrets.

You’re feeling nostalgic, and want to read an old journal. You move down to your insanely beautiful Purple Reset archive shelf (yes this is also custom made – glass with just the right temperature, preserving your years of thoughts) and select the year (2022) you want to read from. You also grab your current “ideas” notebook. As you enter the garden the sun beams onto your skin. You exhale, lay down, place your notebooks in front and read.

Contained within it are long-forgotten gems of thoughts. Places you wanted to go, dreams you once had, frustrations, happiness, all the memories come flooding back to you. On each page is the past you looking up at the new you. You can remember sitting and writing these notes, what you were wearing, where you were sitting and who you were with. You read, you make notes, you compile your writing.

7 hours later you have created enough content to see you through the next month (which you have scheduled) and realise that you never did make it to the Amazon rainforest so you book a trip and pack your bag.

Nostalgia? Idea generation? Turn to the holder of your secrets – your Purple Reset Notebook

Purple Reset notebooks are not the kind you pick up at the dollar store, Poundland (I know you Americans find that hilarious). They are not for your shopping list, or to schedule cutting your toenails.

This notebook contains your innermost thoughts, your wildest dreams – ideas so outlandish that you don’t dare put them on a USB stick or store them in the cloud. They are raw, rough, and they are yours. To explore at your leisure. To pick up and take action when you are ready.

Yes, the notebook is indeed humble, and for some old-fashioned. But, for me, it’s full of hope, dreams, plans, ideas, and freedom.

My vision for Purple Reset notebooks is that they are a confidante, beautiful in design and support you in unleashing your potential.

For more info and pictures check out my product page or go right to my author page