I’m not telling you to publish your journal BUT……………………………………………….

….If you are looking to build a personal brand and you’re looking for stories to share then why not? 

Some fantabulous journals to use as a memory journal and Cosmical Journaling guide to help you get started

Criminal Defense

Cosmical is an educational info-packed interactive guide with over 400 prompts and a framework guide

Family Law

Mythos, For writers: Blank decorative pages. 400 Pages

Business Law

Opus, Story writing with contents page, 150 pages

A journal is filled with much more than a running commentary about your daily life (if it’s not then we have to talk).  You have lessons learned, interactions that made an impact, and experiences that can be captured in a journal. 

So you haven’t been journaling for 15 years? Ok well, how about setting up a memory journal? 

What is it you ask? 


✅ Grab a notebook, (a freestyle one is best: Essence, Indite, Opus, Mythos, Lore)

✅ Keep it with you at all times (this is super important), 

✅ And when you remember instances from previous jobs, experiences, or simply a memory jot it down. (I have listed several prompts below for you to try)

✅ Lastly – when you go back and review and find those shareable stories, ask yourself questions:

☑ How did you feel?

☑ How did you overcome XXX (can be good, bad, or indifferent) 

☑ What could you have done differently?

And so on. 

The fact is that there were years I didn’t write and I wish I had.  Many memories come to me when we are group chatting, where many are sharing, this will trigger shit for me.  All I can do now is recall and ask questions. Interrogate myself and see what I can do with it. 

So what do you think about a memory journal?

If you’re finding it hard to get started here are some prompts to get you going.

  • Earliest Childhood Memory:
    • What is your earliest childhood memory?
    • Can you describe the people, places, and emotions associated with this memory?
  • Significant Life Events:
    • What are the most significant events in your life?
    • How did these events shape your character or perspective?
  • Challenging Moments:
    • Recall a challenging moment in your life. How did you overcome it?
    • What did you learn from facing that challenge?
  • Achievements and Milestones:
    • Reflect on your proudest achievements.
    • How did you feel when you reached certain milestones in your life?
  • Family Traditions:
    • Describe a cherished family tradition or ritual.
    • How has this tradition influenced your sense of belonging and connection?
  • Memorable Travel Experiences:
    • Share a memorable experience from a trip or journey.
    • What made that particular experience stand out to you?
  • Friendships and Relationships:
    • Recall the moment you met a close friend or significant other.
    • How have your relationships evolved over time?
  • Educational and Career Highlights:
    • What are some key moments from your educational journey or career?
    • How did your experiences shape your professional growth?
  • Favorite Hobbies or Activities:
    • Describe a favorite hobby or activity from your past.
    • How has engaging in this activity enriched your life?
  • Cultural Influences:
    • Reflect on cultural or artistic influences that have left a lasting impact.
    • How have these influences shaped your values and preferences?
  • Turning Points:
    • Identify a turning point in your life where things took a different direction.
    • What choices did you make, and what were the consequences?
  • Random Acts of Kindness:
    • Share a memory of a time when someone showed you unexpected kindness.
    • How did that act of kindness affect you?
  • Seasonal Memories:
    • Recall specific memories associated with different seasons.
    • How do these seasonal memories evoke particular emotions or nostalgia?
  • Changes Over Time:
    • Reflect on how you have changed or grown as a person over the years.
    • Are there aspects of yourself that have remained consistent?
  • Unexpected Surprises:
    • Describe a moment in your life when you were pleasantly surprised.
    • How did that surprise impact your outlook on life?

Ready to begin?

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