Journaling love triangle; I live with the villain of my story…………….………. It also lives with you.

Technology, and more specifically the keyboard.

Nathan ⚔ Hill is famous for his villain series. As I watched his last series it occurred to me that my villain is something we all use and love.

Don’t get me wrong, I have a love-hate relationship with technology.

👍 I love the speed.
👍 I love that it helps with my dyslexia
👍 I love the convenience.

BUT, over the last few years, I recognised I loved it to the detriment of my clarity. Including my creativity and my mental health.

Productivity tools were actually working against me. I spent so much time re-designing my spaces, trying to bend them to the way my brain worked. It was futile, and I was wasting time.

For me, it was a life-or-death situation. (enter the dramatic)
I had to find serenity between the two.
To find what needed to be handwritten and what needed to be typed up.

It turns out for me, serenity was found in the personal.

What is personal and important to me needs to be handwritten.
I need to take my time with these thoughts.
I need to slow down, to gain clarity and focus so I can take action and move forward.

The keyboard is a tool, my journal is my exploration.

I write all the time. I have many, many notebooks to hand for various tasks.

I jot down blog ideas and new journal ideas.

I write down what’s on my mind in terms of tasks

I write down what emotions or feelings I am experiencing.

I explore, I purge my mind, I get creative, and add doodles.

I give myself permission to put down whatever I want.

The Flow was designed to replace what I couldn’t do with a digital tool

And when it comes to the output, the work, I go and plonk my a$$ in front of the machine and go to work with my tool.

Is it quicker? Probably not, but is life supposed to be quick all the time?

Do we not owe ourselves the time to enjoy it a little?

So, over to you

❓ Who is your villain?
❓ What areas of your life do you need to slow down and write about?

I’d love to know the answers

Until next week – keep journaling

Find clarity, focus, and direction in journaling